If we have an urge to make use of a behavior

For a lot of folks, the trail to personal transformation and self-improvement is a long and winding trail filled with intricate barriers. Drug companies in particular have Mild-Scratch Cleaning Abrasive Scouring Pad capitalized on and created massive fortunes because of the elusive search for the "Magic Pill" that will fix everything. As it turns out, there is a secret formula for success, and it begins in the subconscious mind.One of the presuppositions of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is that "there is a positive intention behind all behaviors."


And based on that presupposition, when it comes to getting rid of negative behaviors, there is an equation that we must always keep in mind. I'll let you in on the secret formula in a minute. But first, I have a riddle for you to solve. Riddle: A holy man made his child drink lye, which burned out the child's voice box. What was the positive intent behind this action? If you are like most of the clients who have visited my office since 1978, you'll exclaim something like: "There isn't any." But you would be totally incorrect. To answer this riddle, first you have to separate the behavior from the positive goal of the behavior. The minister's child was cursing. And the preacher believes that if his child curses, his soul will be condemned to Hell. So the answer is that the preacher was burning out his child's vocal cords so that he couldn't curse. By doing so, he was saving his child's soul from being destined to Hell. The secret equation for successful change uses NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and works as follows: We should value the positive intention that motivates each behavior.


If we have an urge to make use of a behavior that we don't appreciate, we can easily get rid of the urge to use that behavior. All we must do is to find another behavior and substitute it in its place. To be successful, the new action must be as accessible and effective at accomplishing the same secondary gain, but be more consciously acceptable to you. We call this a REFRAME. When clients come into my office, one of the first things that I do is to take a thorough case history. Let's imagine that they come to my office and ask me to help them lose weight. Experience tells us that the two main reasons that people eat too much are: (1) to reduce stress; (2) because eating can be a conditioned response. For instance, if a person eats while they are working on a computer, they will develop a conditioned response, and thereafter, every time they work on a computer they will get an urge to eat. However, the above answer only takes into consideration the possible secondary gain received from the eating behavior.

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